• Dive from boat + tank + plumb + guide 40€
    Dive from coast + tank + plumb + guide 35€
    Rent 1 element 12€
    Rent 2 elements 17€
    Rent full equipment20€
    Snorkel outing 30€
    Snorkel outing with guide 35€
    Dive supplement 10€
    6 dives package 228€
    10 dives package 350€
    6 dives + full equipment 288€
    10 dives + full equipment 450€
    Insurance (day-week-month-year) 10€-15€-20€-40€
    Night dive and Los Meros supplement 10€

  • Try scuba - diving baptism from coast 70€
    Try scuba - diving baptism from boat 85€
    private diving baptism (boat, skipper, exclusive instructor)150€
    basic diver 160€
    scuba skills update - refresco80€
    scuba diver 310€
    open water 425€
    open water private (boat, skipper, exclusive instructor) 500€
    open water indoor 150€
    open water from scuba diver 150€
    advanced adventurer 375€
    specialty diver 295€
    advanced open water diver 490€
    stress and rescue+right react 400€
    specialties with 2 water sessions 180€
    specialties with 3 water sessions 225€
    Specialties without water sessions (nitrox, diving science, react right)100€
    (includes 1 hour of non-mandatory online or in-person reinforcement class) adventure dive 75€
    dive guide 500€
    divemaster 600€

  • Tank 25€
    Charged tank with air (12L-15L) 0,5€/l.
    Full equipment 60€
    Light Equipment (mask and snorkel) 10€
    Light Equipment (mark, snorkel, boots, fins) 30€
    Regulator 12€
    BCD 10€
    Rent computer 25 € Civesuit 10€

  • Single kayak 2 hours 25€
    Double kayak 2 hours 35€
    Triple kayak 2 hours 35€
    Kayak extra hour 5€
    Trekking half day (minimum 6 pax) price per person 20€
    Trekking full day (minimum 5 pax) price per person 30€
    Instructor half day 80€
    Instructor full day 125€

  • Boat Excursion 1h'15 min - 1h'30 min adult 35€
    Boat Excursion 1h'15 min - 1h'30 min child (until 12 years old) 25€